"In the spirit of St. Joseph, we lovingly serve Jesus Christ and His people."
Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion assist in the distribution of the Eucharist during the Sunday liturgy and other special Masses. Some ministers visit and distribute the Eucharist to those within the Parish who are homebound or are in local nursing homes.
Lectors are the readers of Scripture at the Mass. This ministry is open to all men and women.
Altar Servers assist at the Mass. This ministry is open to young men and women beginning in the fifth grade who have made thrir First Holy Eucharist. Adults are also welcomed.
Sacristans aid in the logistical preparation of the Sunday liturgy.
Greeters/Ushers assist in greeting and welcoming parishioners and visitors to Mass. They assist in seating people, taking up the collection, and provide good order in the congregation as needed. This ministry is open to all men and women.